2   Software Architecture Document for the Habitat Monitoring and Alarming Interface

Author:Ambar Mehrotra

2.1   Change Record

25th May, 2015 - Document Created

2.2   Introduction

2.2.1   Purpose

The purpose of Alarming and Monitoring interface is to manage all the relevant information. The GUI will give the user a complete overview of the entire habitat and how all the instruments are functioning.

The Health Monitor GUI will be dedicated to provide information about health of the astronauts performing EVA through biosensors (ECG, air flow sensor , etc.).


2.2.2   Scope

Describes the scope of this requirements specification.

2.2.3   Applicable Documents

2.2.5   Glossary

Italian Mars Society
European MaRs Analogue Station for Advanced Technologies Integration
Graphic User Interface
Application Programming Interface
Package for Alarms and Notification of Incidences from Controls
To be defined
To be confirmed

2.2.6   Overview

Make an overview in which you describe the rest of this document the and which chapter is primarily of interest for which reader.

2.3   Architectural Requirements

This section describes the requirements which are important for developing the software architecture.

2.3.1   Non-functional requirements

  1. Implementation Constraints
    1. Language

      The application should be written in python.

    2. Operating System

      The application should be run on Ubuntu distributions.

    3. Software

      PyQt Library PyTango Library Tango server(pyTango), Python 2.x, Pep8,

  2. Supportability
    1. Ease of Installation

      System requires installation of PyQt and Tango server.

2.3.2   Use Case View (functional requirements)

The goal of this project is to build a service that allows the central monitoring of the entire habitat. A GUI will request the data from the database using the PANIC API, summarize it and present it to an overseer in a way that allows him/her to detect problems at a glance.   Request for sensor data

The Client requests a Network Device Server for the sensor data of the last T seconds.

../../../_images/sensordata.jpg   Actors
  • Client: Habitat Monitoring GUI.
  • Server: the Device TANGO server.   Priority

High   Preconditions

The Server is running and its DevState is ON.   Basic Course
  1. The Client calls the appropriate method on the Server, passing T as argument.
  2. The Server searchs its buffer for the appropriate records.
  3. The Server returns the records found.   Alternate Course

None   Postconditions

The server returns the data requested or an empty array if no data is available.   Request for alarms

The Client request the Tango host for the alarm data of the last T seconds.

../../../_images/alarmdata.png   Actors
  • Client: Habitat Monitoring GUI.
  • Server: The Tango host responsible for collecting alarm data.   Priority

High   Preconditions

The Server is running and its DevState is ON.   Basic Course
  1. The Client calls the appropriate method on the Server, passing T as argument.
  2. The Server searchs the database for the appropriate records.
  3. The Server returns the records found.   Alternate Course

None   Postconditions

The server returns the data requested or an empty array if no data is available.   User requests to add new device

The user wants to add a new Tango Device on the network to monitor using the GUI.

../../../_images/add_device.png   Actors
  • User: The user who wants to add a new Device.
  • Client: the Habitat Monitor TANGO client.
  • Device Server: Tango server running on the network.   Priority

High   Preconditions

The Server is running and its DevState is ON. The GUI is running.   Basic Course
  1. The user requests the GUI to add a new Device.
  2. The GUI asks the user for the internal Tango Device address.
  3. The user responds with the device address.
  4. The GUI queries the device for attributes.
  5. The device returns the required attributes.
  6. The GUI starts showing its data.   Alternate Course

None   Exception Course

None   Postconditions

The Device data is shown on the screen or GUI shows an error message if the device is not found on the given address.   A User requests a device’s detailed data

A user requests the detailed data for a given device and the GUI complies.

../../../_images/detailed_view.png   Actors
  • User: a user of the GUI.
  • GUI: a GUI with an embedded TANGO client.   Priority

High   Preconditions

The Server is running and its DevState is ON.   Basic Course
  1. The User clicks on the icon of device.
  2. The GUI hides the summarized view for device.
  3. The GUI shows the detailed view for device.   Alternate Course

None   Exception Course

None   Postconditions

The selected device’s detailed view is shown on the GUI.

2.4   Interface Requirements

2.4.1   User Interfaces

Describes how this product interfaces with the user.

Bellow are two mockups that cover the two current Use Cases that concern the GUI.   Graphical User Interface   Overview
../../../_images/Mockup1.png   Detailed View

2.4.2   Software validation and verification

The GUI will be implemented as a Tango Client that will fetch data from the varios device servers and show it in a concise manner.

2.4.3   Planning

The development of the GUI will be done in primarily the following phases.

  • Building the skeleton for the GUI. This is the primary portion of the project
and will require the work on the following areas.
  • Allowing the GUI to add additional data channels.
  • Integration with the Tango Alarms System
  • Integrating the monitoring system with the plottings coming in from the

various biometric devices using a generic mechanism.

  • Development of the Health Monitoring module as a sub-GUI of the habitat

monitoring interface.