========================================================= Setup guide for pyOVR and the Blender integration ========================================================= :Authors: Alexander Demets (2014), Siddhant Shrivastava (2015) Workflow(updated August 2015) ==================== - Download ``version`` of the Oculus SDK. The SDK can be `found here `_ , and the signature can be `found here `_. - Download Bindings for the Python Language from `here `_ - Setup SDK after following the instructions in the ``README.Linux`` in the root directory of the SDK. - Plugin the Oculus device (DK1 or DK2). Establish the connections appropriately. - Start the Oculus VR daemon by running ``ovrd`` in the Linux terminal. ``ovrd`` must run throughout when Oculus is to be used. - Configure and Identify Oculus by running ``RiftConfigUtil`` in another terminal. - Paste the ``oculusvr`` folder from the Python Bindings ``python-ovrsdk`` folder in ``eras/servers/erasvr/``. - Use the bindings in Blender Game Engine. Possible Issues and Troubleshooting (updated August 2015) ======================== Library Dependency Related Errors ---------------------------------------- If you get an error of this kind - ``ImportError: /oculusvr/linux-x86-64/libOculusVR.so: undefined symbol: glXMakeCurrent`` This means that the shared object file in the preconfigured bindings dosen't identify the existing library symbolic links set up by the Linux kernel. Here's what you should do in this case- - List all the dependencies of the shared object file ``oculusvr.so``. You might get an output similar to the one shown in `this post `_ - Trick the kernel into **preloading** the appropriate libraries into the memory before linking the shared object file dependencies at runtime. This is done by placing ``LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so"`` in the ``.bashrc`` file. - This must be followed by reloading ``bash`` by running ``source bash`` - This should solve the errors. - Keep checking the output of ``ldd -a oculusvr.so`` and repeat the above steps until all the dependencies are preloaded. Setup guide for pyOVR ===================== Generate libovr.so ------------------ Currently the default makescript for the Oculus SDK compiles the whole LibOVR package as a static library. For the *ctypes*-integration of LibOVR's C-API in Python, we need it as a dynamic library (shared object). To do this, the original makefile has to be replaced with a custom one. First download and unzip the OculusSDK v0.3.2 (currently newest available for Linux) from the `Oculus Developer Platform`_. To install all dependencies for compilation of the Oculus SDK, run following commands in the terminal:: tar xvzf ovr_sdk_linux_0.3.2.tar.gz cd OculusSDK ./sh ConfigurePermissionsAndPackages.sh And copy the custom makefile from your cloned *ERAS* repository over to the **LibOVR** folder, and compile with *make*:: cp -b path/to/eras/servers/erasvr/pyOVR/Makefile_for_LibOVR/Makefile LibOVR/Makefile cd LibOVR make .. note:: **Carefull!** Copy the new Makefile into the *LibOVR* folder, **not** the *OculusSDK* folder. The *-b* argument for **cp** makes a backup copy for the original Makefile. Configure pyOVR --------------- At this point, there should be a *libovr.so* in the according platform folder of *LibOVR/Lib*. Of course the Python bindings have to know the location of the *libovr.so* file. So switch over to the *pyOVR* folder, and do **one** of those things: **1st option** (Copy *libovr.so* into *pyOVR* folder):: cp OculusSDK/LibOVR/Lib/.../libovr.so eras/servers/erasvr/pyOVR/libovr.so **2nd option** (Edit path directly in *pyOVR/pyOVR.py*):: LIBOVR_PATH = path/to/OculusSDK/LibOVR/Lib/.../libovr.so Run Tests for pyOVR ------------------- Now that everything is setup, you can run the test scripts:: python3 pyOVR/Testsimple.py python3 pyOVR/TestRiftDevice.py If successfull, you will see the Oculus Rift identified, and its sensor data put out continuously:: user@ubuntu:~/Development/eras/servers/erasvr/pyOVR$ python3 TestSimple.py OVR::DeviceManagerThread - running (ThreadId=0x7f950163d700). OVR::DeviceManager - initialized. *** SensorFusion Startup: TimeSeconds = 1408388773.073210 OVR::Linux::HIDDevice - Opened '/dev/hidraw1' Manufacturer:'Oculus VR, Inc.' Product:'Tracker DK' Serial#:'AAAAAAAAAAAA' OVR::SensorDevice - Closed '/dev/hidraw1' OVR::Linux::HIDDevice - HID Device Closed '/dev/hidraw1' OVR::Linux::HIDDevice - HIDShutdown '/dev/hidraw1' b'Oculus Rift DK1' OVR::Linux::HIDDevice - Opened '/dev/hidraw1' Manufacturer:'Oculus VR, Inc.' Product:'Tracker DK' Serial#:'AAAAAAAAAAAA' Sensor created. +1.00 +0.00 +0.00 +0.00 +1.00 +0.08 -0.00 +0.00 +1.00 +0.08 -0.00 +0.00 +1.00 +0.08 -0.00 +0.00 +1.00 +0.08 -0.00 +0.00 +1.00 +0.08 -0.00 +0.00 +1.00 +0.08 -0.00 +0.00 +1.00 +0.08 -0.00 +0.00 +1.00 +0.08 -0.00 +0.00 Blender Integration =================== Before attempint the Blender integration you have to make a simbolic link to the directory containing pyOVR from the directory containing the character controller blender file. In the current status of our software archivse this should be something like this: cd /v-eras-blender/scenes ln -s ../../eras/servers/erasvr/pyOVR pyOVR The Blender integration is practically a *drop-in* **character controller** for your BGE project. To test it out open the included *CharacterControllerOVR.blend* file in Blender v2.71+. Overview of character controller -------------------------------- First of, that's how the object hierachy ob the character controller looks: .. figure:: images/tree_view_character_controller.png Figure 1: Object Hierarchy for custom character controller. The *Character* object is our rigidbody, and also defines the outer collision bounds. Its geometry is defined as invisible cylinder, and it's collision bounds are defined by a capsule (makes movement more fluid). +----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | .. image:: images/character_solid_yellow.png | .. image:: images/character_alpha.png | .. image:: images/character_bounding_box_wireframe.png | | :width: 30% | :width: 30% | :width: 30% | +----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Fig. 2: *Character* object, solid outer hulls| Fig. 3: Wireframe of *Character* object | Fig. 3: Actual collision data used for *Character* object | +----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ The movement happens, by checking the sensor data (currently Keyboard & Mouse), and applying a force to the rigidbody *Character*. The scripts and actuators are setup like that: .. figure:: images/character_controller_sensor.png Figure 5: Sensor/Actuator setup for Blender character controller Looking at the setup the movement is mostly configured through Blender inbuild functions, only exception is the Mouse-look script. What it does is, it takes the relative movement of the Mouse its X-axis and *rotates* the whole *Character* rigidbody. This means **including** the two *Camera*-childs, which get rotated left/right like a fixed head to a body would do. The Oculus sensor data is then applied to the *Camera.right* and *Camera.left* object, by using following setup: .. figure:: images/camera_scripts.png Figure 6: Sensor/Actuator setup for head rotation via sensor data and Barrel rendering. The *update_sensor.py* script initializes the Rift and applies the sensor data to the camera objects. The *Filter2D* post-process applies the barrel distortion to the resulting image. Integration in own Blender scene -------------------------------- Integration of the character controller into a custom scene is very easy, just open your scene and go to:: File > Link/Append > CharacterController.blend > choose "Character" This will either link or append the character controller into your Blender scene. Render settings in Blender -------------------------- These settings give good results, but can be modified as needed: .. figure:: images/render_settings.png Figure 7: Render settings for Blender scene. Applicable Documents -------------------- - [1] -- `Oculus Developer Platform`_ - [2] -- `Oculus SDK Overview v0.3.2`_ - [3] -- `Blender Python API`_ .. _`Oculus Developer Platform`: https://developer.oculusvr.com .. _`Oculus SDK Overview v0.3.2`: http://static.oculusvr.com/sdk-downloads/documents/Oculus_SDK_Overview_0.3.2_Preview2.pdf .. _`Blender Python API`: http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_2_70_5/