========================================================= Europa Installation. ========================================================= :Author: Shridhar Mishra :Date: 10 June 2015 These steps has to be followed in specific order for successful installation or its almost inevitable to get some weird java errors. Prerequisites ****************** - JDK :: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk - ANT :: sudo apt-get install ant - Python :: sudo apt-get install python - subversion :: sudo apt-get install subversion - wget :: sudo apt-get install wget - SWIG :: sudo apt-get install swig - libantlr3c - unzip :: sudo apt-get install unzip Now let us get the necessary packages to install libantlr3c. :: svn co http://europa-pso.googlecode.com/svn/ThirdParty/trunk plasma.ThirdParty Get Europa. ----------- :: wget https://europa-pso.googlecode.com/files/europa-2.6-linux64.zip cd ~/plasma.ThirdParty Install ANTLR-C ------------------ :: unzip libantlr3c-3.1.3.tar.bz2. cd plasma.ThirdParty/libantlr3c-3.1.3 ./configure --enable-64bit ; make> sudo make install **The above commands are for 64 bit machines. for 32 bit machines remove --enable-64bit flag.** Installing EUROPA. ------------------ :: mkdir ~/europa cd ~/europaunzip ~/tmp/europa-2.1.2-linux.zip export EUROPA_HOME=~/europaexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$EUROPA_HOME/lib **Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc at the end.** :: EUROPA_HOME=~/europaLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$EUROPA_HOME/lib Testing. -------- :: $EUROPA_HOME/bin/makeproject Light ~ cd $EUROPA_HOME/examples/Light/ ant The Gui should appear for EUROPA. If all the steps a correctly followed it should work. Links. ------ `ANTLR-C installation `_ `Europa Installation. `_ `Quick start `_